Petra Patakova
Presentation title:
Biotechnological valorization of animal and/or plant waste
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Department of Biotechnology, Prague, Czech Republic
Short bio:
Petra Patakova is full professor of biotechnology and Head of the Department of Biotechnology at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague. Her main research interests include physiology and genetics of solventogenic clostridia, valorization of different types of waste using biotechnological processes and biosynthesis and biological activity of Monascus fungi secondary metabolites. She was a chairperson of the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology senate in 2014-2019 and now she is a member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty. She is the author or co-author of 110 results gathered in Web of Science databases which are to be found under three surnames Patakova (now), Patakova-Juzlova (in transient time) and Juzlova (maiden name). She is active not only in basic research but holds 4 patents too. She collaborates with scientists from different countries in the field of solventogenic clostridia or Monascus research. She presented her work on many scientific conferences in form of oral contributions or posters, was the head of the Scientific Committee of the BioTech 2020 conference and is permanent member of the Scientific board of International Conference on Chemical Technology (ICCT) series of conferences where she serves as a chairman of Biotechnology and Biorefinery section.